Support Us

Would you like to support our journey?

Thank you for your interest in supporting us!

You can tip us on Ko-fi » .

Ko-fi is a secure and easy-to-use platform to make donations. To use it, click on the button below, or in the bottom-left corner. Then select your amount and validate it. The money will be transfered directly to us.

5€ - We can enjoy a coffee. We love coffee!

10€ - We can get some snacking. It is our fuel.

30€ - We can have a hot shower at a campground.

And more - We will be able to continue our journey longer.

For all our supporters, we can mention them on our front page. Add a message to your donation with your name/nickname.

Become a sponsor

We would be happy to represent the values of your brand by advertising you on this website and along the road.

Feel it could work out? Please contact us via our contact form ».

Thanks for your support!